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What is SEO | Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization
What is SEO - Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO ...?

What is SEO - Search Engine Optimization
SEO - When we search on Google or any web page we only click on the web sites that came up on the first page. It is the process of all

But we don't see the second page. Do you know why there are so many web pages on the internet but only a few come on the first page. ?
This dout should be coming to you. Let us now learn about SEO.
Whether you are a YouTube channel or a video on your website or blog, our youtube channel is of great use. Your video will only get more views and subscribers when it comes to the front page.

So if you want to get your youtube channel on Google, Yahoo or search engine like Bing, you need to know something about Search Engine Optimization.
Now let me explain to you about SEO.

SEO is good for your YouTube Channel and your Page Rank is up front. You will have the option to appear on the first page.

Views and subscribers come in two different ways from your search engine to your YouTube channel.

1. Artificial Method - Views that bring in money
2.Social midea - views that don't pay off

1. Synthesis means that if we pay up front for websites like google adwords or facebook our videos are on that site
Visit everyone in the form of ads. Then we see our ads and come to our channel

2. Natural Type - This means that if we do SEO properly for our YouTube channel that we don't pay for Google or Websites like Facebook, our channel will also show up on the front page. This will give us more Subscribers and Views. We do not need to pay any money for this.

Let us choose the natural method.Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the method of bringing more views and subscribers to our channel in a natural way.

Again SEO is of two types

1. On page SEO2. Off page SEO

1. On-page SEO is what we call Title, description, Tags, Channel Keywords, Meta description, Channel Settings and Thumbnails in our YouTube Channel.

2. Off page SEO To grow Viwes on YouTube Channel we have to create back links on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and many social networks.

I think I learned a little something about SEO through this video. For ease of use, I have included. If you really want to learn about SEO, you can add SEO Unlimited Packege.

If you like this video, I'll explain about Keyword Reserch in the next video

What is Keyword Reserch?
Whether we give you a title on our youtube channel, how much traffic is there for those titles.
And how much compitetion does the title have.
How many people search that title keyword per month.
Let's see how much that title Bid rate is.


 New Seo Books Buy Now
Getting seen on the first page of search engine result pages is crucial for businesses and online marketers. Search engine optimization helps improve Web site rankings, and it is often complex and confusing. This task-based, hands-on guide covers the concepts and trends and then lays out a day-by-day strategy for developing, managing, and measuring a successful SEO plan

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